Saturday, September 21, 2013

Doodlebug! Doodlebug!....

When I was a little boy, I can remember in our barn at Junction Hill, there were these funnel shaped holes everywhere.  Being the curious lad that I was and not having internet access yet, I went to a better source...Dad-net and Mom-net!  Of course they knew what they were...they were Doodlebug holes!  Now if you look this up on the internet some smartypants will call them "Antlions" but I trust Parent-net.  Just the name was not the end to the vast amount of information available on Parent-net.  Mom-net told us how to get the Doodlebug out of his hole!  Her instructions:
1) Be vewwy vewwy quiet...(oops...slipped into Elmer Fudd mode there!!) Be very quiet and slip up to a Doodlebug hole
2) Get your mouth a few inches above the Doodlebug hole
3) Repeat this phrase: 
Doodlebug! Doodlebug! come outta yer hole!
Yer house is on far (fire) and yer children are gone!

In a few seconds you would see the sand in the bottom of the hole start moving.  Occasionally sand would flip up in the bottom...but I never saw the Doodlebug come out to put out the fire at his house.....There were a lot of burning Doodlebug houses when I was a young-un!

It's memories like this that make me wonder why kids now days get so bored.  To my recollection, I never uttered the words "I'm bored" or "There's NOTHING to do".  God's world was(is) such a fascinating place and we made the most of discovering it!

Here's a couple of rhymes from the internet that might work to get the Doodlebug out of his hole.

"Doodlebug, doodlebug, come out of your hole.
I'll give you ten dollars and a bag of gold" 

(A slightly different or the correct version of my Doodlebug calling)
"Doodle Bug, Doodle Bug, fly away home
Your house is on fire and your kids are all gone".

"Doodle bug, doodle bug, I've been told
It's mighty impossible to get you out of your hole."

Do you have a "Doodlebug Rhyme"?  Don't know one?  Make one up!....  I'd appreciate seeing them in the comments!

Read more about Doodlebugs here


  1. "Doodlebug, doodlebug, stay put
    everyone's a liar, there is no fire,
    and your kids went to Dairy Queen"

    1. Now you know Sister Brenda, you just released classified information to all the Doodle Bugs out there...
      That is just too funny!!!

  2. I didn't know about doodle bugs but we sang, "Lady Bug Lady Bug fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are gone"

    1. You know....I think we did try to give Lady Bugs the alarm too...

      Thanks Anon!

  3. Doodle bug doodle bug come out of your hole your house is on fire and your children are gonna burn. From my grandpa born in 19933.

    1. Thanks for the comment Brian! That's a new one. It's interesting how most families have a "doodle bug" rendition.

      And thanks for reading!

  4. When we were bored at my grandmothers house, she would send out back to chant the doodlebugs - As we stirred the hole we would say "Doodle bug doodle bug come out of your hole, your house is on fire and your children will burn"

  5. my granny said they always said......Doodle Bug Doodle Bug, House On Fire, Children Crying...Twice and when the bug would come up out of its hole.....They would say Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle and it would squirm back down in the hole. This was in Scottsboro,Tennessee about 12 miles north of Nashville

  6. Continuing:
    All but one, her name is Ann
    She hid under the garbage can.


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