Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Little Cantaloupe That Could

Toward the end of the growing season, I just basically let my garden "Go to pot."  "Go to pot" was another of my Dad's expressions and I'm really not sure the origin but it means I just let my garden grow up and didn't maintain it  (and No, I was not growing marijuana!).  There was some kind of vine that started in my tomatoes and started growing and climbing on my baskets.  After awhile, little gourds appeared and by the time the killing frost came they were about the size of baseballs.  I didn't know what they were but one day I picked one and (like any normal Riggs does) I smelled of it.  Low and behold, they were CANTALOUPES!!  Who knew!  I sliced one up to eat and it was very tasty!  Today we had Pastor Galiher and his family over for dinner and Sister Brenda inspired me to post some pictures of my miniature cantaloupes - The Little Cataloupes that Could!!



  1. Hellooooo from Nigeris!

    Always love your blog!


    1. Hey Hey! You guys be careful over there and coming home! Haven't had time to look at all the pictures of your trip but glad it is going well.



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