Friday, January 9, 2015

Ever had the "Thumps"?

On Thursday night, Tami fixed spaghetti for supper and here's the deal.  It has to be Ragu sauce with my Mom's secret additives (which includes brown sugar).  It was absolutely delicious so...I ate three platefuls!  This may or may not have been the reason for the weird dreams I had, but I do know it was responsible for my indigestion.  When I sat up on the edge of the bed Friday morning, Tami woke up and asked the usual question "How are you this morning?"  This reply just popped into my head..."I think I had the Spaghetti Thumps."

It was a great privilege to grow up in the Ozarks and have the family that I had.  Every region and family has their own expressions, phrases, and idioms but I was especially blessed!  For some time now, I have been collecting the phrases that my Mom and Dad used.  When Dad had a minor discomfort, whether intestinal or otherwise, he would say "I guess I just have the Thumps."

You may not realize it but there is a medical condition called "Thumps".  In 1831 it was first diagnosed by a a horse.  We call them hiccups but veterinarians call them "Thumps".  I don't think hiccups was what my Dad was referring to.

If you look up the etymology and translations of the word "Thump", things get mighty interesting.  It originated in the 1530's with the verb definition "to strike hard" and in the 1550's with the noun definition "a dull, heavy sound."  In Danish the word is "Dunk", in Catalan - "Volta", in Hungarian -"Puffanas", in Icelandic - "Thump"...   However, in the Swedish dialect the word is "dumpa"...hmmmmm.  We may be on to something here!

These are the times I wish I could just call up my Dad and say "Why did you call it the Thumps??"  All I know is this - I had the "Thumps" but all is well now since Tami just brought me a warm, homemade, slightly doughy, gingersnap cookie!  The "Thumps" are gone!!!


  1. Fascinating, down to the gingersnaps cookie! I'm intrigued.

    1. Yes Rhonda, the gingersnap cookies are intriguing! And delicious! It's Mom's recipe and in her lifetime she made thousands of them. Glad you enjoy my little blog! Love ya!


  2. Can't say that I've ever had the thumps. But we use to have what Mom called the "turnovers" and I don't mean cherry.
    Funny how families come up with their own "dialect". You will in no doubt pass some down to Lucas. B. Galiher

    1. I probably will Sister Brenda! I have to be really careful on the names I call him now, cause they might "Stick"!

      Thanks for reading!


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