Friday, November 11, 2011

9 Point Buck - 1982

After a hiatus of around twenty year, I am going to the "deer woods" tomorrow.  My son-in-law, Anson, is really hyped about going since this is is first year.  He is an Indiana native and just never got in to the hunting thing...until this year!!  My brother has leased land north of his house and we've been invited to hunt (and hopefully kill) some deer!

A little background...My Dad, Brother and Grandpa Riggs used to hunt together every year.  Deer season was a national holiday at the Riggs household!  The first day of deer season in 1985 my Dad didn't go out - can't really remember the excuse but that was a little odd.  When we got back home in the middle of the day there was a note on the table that Mom had taken him to the hospital.  That night he had a massive heart attack and three weeks later, December 8, he passed away.

I went out for a couple-a-three years after that but it just wasn't the same.  One morning, sitting on my deer stand, freezing my bohunkus off, I said to myself, "Self!...this has ceased to be fun and enjoyable"...So...I walked out of the woods and have only been back with my blackpowder rifle a time or two.

This is a picture of a nine-point I killed in 1982, hunting with Popo (Grandpa Riggs)...which is another story all in itself!!!


  1. Great post and great picture. One question.. Who's the young guy next to the dear?? Lol

    Hope you all get big ones!


  2. That's dear old (actually 18 yrs old) Ray! We had a wonderful Ozark Deer Season (ODS)opening day! Regan killed two bucks and I killed one (3 point) Anson saw three and Ralph zero.

    Had a great dinner and supper with Ralph's family telling stories about ODS's past. Preaching tomorrow morning, Anson preaching tomorrow night.

    God Bless!

  3. Awesome! Makes me want to hunt. I'll be home for two days of Ohio's shotgun season for the first time since 1998. Maybe I ought to go...



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