Saturday, May 31, 2014


My life is never dull.  Yesterday is a prime example....

I was working on a project in Drexel, Missouri.  If you don't know where that is, it's about eighteen miles east of Osawatomie, Kansas.  I was on Elm street, across from the Casey's, when I heard a dogfight start up down the street.  In a few seconds, I heard a someone start screaming and hollering "Get off! Ouch! Ouch! Get off of him! Help! Help! Somebody help me!"  I start walking up that way, since it sounded like the dogs may have had a human down and see a young boy on a back porch in complete hysterics.  So I puts my GPS pole down and run up on the porch!

This is the situation...A big dog (looks like part Pit Bull) has a smaller dog by the throat...the young boy (eleven-twelve years old, no shirt, no shoes), has the big dog by the collar, trying to pull it off the smaller dog and is crying and hollering to beat the band..."He's killing my dog! He's killing my dog!"  He's pounding the big dog on the head and picking both dogs up by the one collar and throwing them against the porch rail!  Well...I figure it's a "free for all" so I give the big dog a few kicks myself!  The big dog will not let loose!!!

In a little bit the little boy runs in the house, screaming and crying...which give me full access to the big dog (whose name is "Angel", by the way...)  I figure... "In for a penny...In for a pound" so I just haul off and kick the snot out of the big dog!  The first kick with my size twelve doesn't do it so I takes aim and gives him another one!

If there hadn't been a rail on the porch I would have kicked him clear out in the yard!  As it was I almost kicked him over the porch rail!  He let loose!!!

"Angel" took off and low and behold "little dog" took off after him!  I loved it!  I hollered at the little boy to get his little dog in the house, so he did.  "Angel" came back, peeking around the corner of the house and when he saw me, he took off like a "bat out of Joplin"!**  The last I saw him, he was a block east on Elm street and a "Makin' Tracks"!  In just a few minutes the young boy was on his bike, peddling up Elm, calling for "Angel".  I guess all was forgiven!

I will leave you now with a couple of "Dog" quotes...

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money."
—Joe Weinstein (comedian)

If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."
—Harry S. Truman

and of course...

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."  Mark Twain

**My old friend, Ruth Charles, used to say this.  She said Joplin and "the other place" were basically the same.



  1. I pray that you and your size 12 will always fight for truth and justice, you almost gave Angel her wings!

    1. Yep! I almost "Drop-kicked" Angel "Through the goal-posts of life"!!

  2. Another Dog quote?

    Outside of a dog a book is man's best friend.

    Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.


    1. Never heard that one before Brother! Lol! but..."Every dog has his day" until he breaks his tail...then he has a "Weak-end"! Couldn't resist!


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