Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Heaven's to Betsy!

You just never know!  On my morning walk in Branson and this "Heeleecoptor" appears.  I had just climbed a gi-normous hill and I wasn't real sure if it was real or an hallucination!


  1. I was raised in the hills West of Poplar Bluff, MO and we had a cistern for most of my growing up life on the hill place. Some of our neighbors were blessed with springs they could get their water from, but our place had nary a spring on it. We had to be sparing with the water especially in dry weather. We needed water for ourselves as well as our animals. For some reason the cistern got to where it wouldn't hold water. They said the water table was dropping, but don't know if that was the reason. Dad finally decided to have a well drilled. The well driller came out and set up his rig. He said it would be the first well he would drill with his new rotary drill. My dad told him he wanted good water and plenty of it. The well driller said that was all he needed to hear. Didn't take long with that new rotary drill and he said we had enough water for a small community. Makes me think of how blessed we are today and so many people take it all for granted. They should have been raised with a cistern. :) Wayne Barnes

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