Thursday, May 5, 2016

"And the crooked shall be made straight..."

Had a little accident Monday morning...

I was out setting monuments with my brother Ralph, and while I was putting tags on witness trees, I slipped and fell. I threw my hatchet and tried to catch myself with my hands. On my way to the ground, my right had skimmed by a tree, caught my pinky and bent it around.

We packed up and went to urgent care and after they x-rayed it, they found out it wasn't broken, just out of joint. The Doctor McCormack said he thought he could just pop it back in place and he very carefully bent it over and it "popped" (audibly) back in place!

Throughout all of this ordeal, I did not and have not had one ounce of pain. Thank the Lord! It is getting sore now but the doctor said in two or three weeks it should be good as new with full range of motion.


  1. Yep, that is definitely news, real painful news. It may not have hurt you but just the picture hurt me!

    1. That was the basic response from the urgent care receptionist, the nurses, the ex-ray receptionist and tech... Tami, just about everybody that saw it!


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