Saturday, March 10, 2012

S(n)akes Alive!

I was in the Oregon County Assessor's office the other day and snapped these pictures of pictures they have in the map room.  These are Timber Rattlers and are the biggest I have ever seen.  I have talked with the assessor, Charles Alford (bottom photo) and both of these were killed in Oregon County.  I would estimate that Charles is at least 5'5" tall so that gives you some perspective about how long the rattler is.

I have only run on to a couple of timber rattlers in my years of surveying.  We caught the first one, myself and the party chief, which was many years and a lot less wisdom ago!  I pinned it's head with a stick and he grabbed it behind the head.  We looked it over, examined it's fangs and rattles and then let it go.  I know...I know..."WHY did you let it go???!!!" you ask.  My philosophy is, if you are miles from civilization, why kill them?  (I do make exceptions when they scare the bejeebers out of me!...  Then I usually pound them flatter than a fritter!)

1 comment:

  1. Snakes are much more friendly when they are dead but I really do not want to be around them even then! Lol

    Those are some big snakes. Be careful out there in them woods, ya hear?



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