Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Guess Who!

Just to keep things interesting....

I found this picture of a fine, intelligent, handsome, upstanding citizen of our fair Howell County!  The picture is at Halloween (Duh!) circa 1967 and just a hint...it ain't Chet!!!...close...but not him. First one to guess correctly gets the cookie!

Update:    Sometimes you can't see the forest because those aggravatin' trees keep getting in the way!  My cousin, Dennis Hendrix, pointed out that my Mom did not put up the Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving.  So...the "Duh" is on me!  Now you know that this is the Riggs' hacienda but who is the man behind the mask?


  1. Charles Redburn from JHPC guessed who it was first...It's my beloved brother Ralph at seven years old with my Grandma Riggs' old guitar. My Mom showed him G-C-D and the rest is history!


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