Saturday, September 7, 2013

A New Deck

We decided this spring that we were going to build a deck.  The "we were going to build" does not necessarily mean that we (Tami and I) were going to build said deck.  Think of this statement as being somewhat like a recent news article when someone said "If they use gas on them that's a red line for me"....Because we found out that what he REALLY meant is it was a red line for the world......
But I digress... 
We were going to begin on Memorial Day weekend, building it ourselves (with help from Bubba, Son-in-law and sundry other relatives) but I made the wise decision to hire it built.  Brother Frank Rogers was contacted and agreed to build it but he began having some physical problems and had to back out. I contacted a couple of builders but it didn't work out for them to do the building.

I really wanted Brother Frank to build it since it would, in his words, "help him get a little money" to go to his mission work at the "Border Church" in McAllen, TX.  Let me say this about Brother Frank Rogers...the man eats, sleeps, breathes and bleeds Mission Work!  He is a prince of a man and I am privileged to call him a friend.

Would you believe that on the very day that I received an estimate from another builder, I also received a phone call from Brother Frank!  He was feeling better and thought he could start as soon as he finished up a fencing job!

He started last Wednesday and by Tuesday he said he should be completed.  Keep in mind as you look at the following pictures, Brother Frank is working almost exclusively by himself.  Grandpa Bean helped on Friday and I really appreciate it!

I put this picture on Facebook as me "Relaxing on my new deck"



  1. Looks great, ready just in time for those brisk Autumn mornings, and crisp Fall evenings.
    May you have many happy gatherings on your deck, and as Hank the Cow Dog would say "No splinters in your Career".

  2. Thanks for the "Blessing" on our deck Sister! Brother Frank did a good job so I think we are safe!!


  3. Think we will want to grill out in January when we come through?


  4. Absolutely! We were just looking at new grills tonight but we couldn't find the one we had been looking at.

    (I am commenting while sitting on the deck, watching the moon rise, watching cars go by on 160 hwy and smelling the great smells from Colton's Steakhouse)


  5. Looks so all did an awesome job. Now Tami won't fall out the back door or break her ankle again...I hope! Can't wait to sit out there with you all and chew the fat!!


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