Monday, April 14, 2014

Three-Dollar Bill

Well folks...after a short hiatus from my blog, I'm back with another story about my Dad, Leamon Riggs.

I've said many times, "My Dad was a ""Jack of all trades"" and master of most of them."  He was a carpenter, real estate broker, income tax preparer, ran a moving and storage business, clerked for an auctioneer, repaired tractors and farm machinery, built utility trailers, ran a used furniture store...just about anything it took to "get the coon"!

The used furniture store was on Myrtle Street, in the building right behind the "R.V Hayes Grocery" on St. Louis Street.  His stock included new and used furniture, appliances and various kinds of wood and propane heating stoves.

Bill lived down the street in the trailer park and got in the habit of coming by to sit and visit with Dad.  Bill was up in years and the years hadn't been real kind to him.  He was quite the story teller and was (in my Dad's words) "kinda windy"!  He was always wanting to buy some article of furniture and would tell Dad he would pay for it with a "Three-Dollar Bill"...So...that's what Dad started calling him!

It was starting into the fall of the year and Bill was needing a heating stove.  He made a deal with Dad to buy one and pay it off so much per week.  Bill made a couple of payments, then stopped and didn't come by to visit Dad anymore.  This went on for a few weeks and finally Dad stopped Bill as he came walking past the store.  Dad asked him why he didn't stop in to visit anymore and if there was anything the matter.  Of course, Dad knew the reason but he just wanted him to "fess-up."  Bill stuttered around and finally got it out that he didn't have the money to pay off the heating stove and if Dad wanted it back he could come and get it. Dad didn't have the heart to do that so he made another deal.  He told Bill that he didn't want to lose their friendship over the heating Bill would supply him with turnips out of his patch throughout the fall, he would consider the debt "paid in full!"  This suited Bill just fine and the daily visits resumed!

What a deal!  We had fresh turnips to eat and "Three-Dollar Bill" kept warm through the winter!

(By the way...the "R.V. Hayes Grocery" was most recently the salvage grocery store/antique and used furniture store that burned down on St. Louis Street...which was "Stanley's Thriftway",....which was "Gott's Market"...and it seems like there was another name there somewhere!)

1 comment:

  1. Great story, and it sounds just like something Uncle Leamon would do. I didn't realize he was in all those professions! Wow.


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