Monday, September 29, 2014

"Your Surveying Days......are OVERRRRR!!!!"

I believe I am far enough removed from this incident to relate it in its entirety. the interest of full disclosure....

Back in the summer, I was working in Winona, MO, in a city subdivision, on a side street.  I had just got in my truck, after tying in a couple of survey markers, had the air conditioner cranked and was working on my computer doing some calculations.  I had pulled the truck off of the street, under a shade tree that was on my client's property.

I had been in the truck a couple of minutes when a full-size, four-door truck pulled up in the street to my left.  I really didn't pay any attention until a young man came and stood at the back of the truck, with his arms out from his body like he was the Hulk (muscle bound.....He wasn't) and was just staring at me.  I rolled down my window and his first words were "You a surveyor?"  I affirmed that I was.  He walked down off the street toward me and when he got about five feet from my truck, he read the business name on my truck door and said "You're from West Plains...."  I slowly said "Yeess...I am." "You're a Riggs?" Again, slowly, "Yeess...I am."

 And then things got real interesting......

He immediately started to back away from my truck and began to take his tee-shirt off.  When he got it off he stared at me and said "Get Out Of That Truck Right Now!  You Gonna Get A Whoopin'!"

My response?..."What?"

Him: "I Said Get Out Of That Truck Right Now!  You Gonna Get A Whoopin'!"

Me: "I ain't gettin' out of this truck"

He pulls his cell phone out of his carpenter shorts pocket and throws it in the back of his truck.  He takes his keys out of his other shorts pocket and throws them in the back of his truck.  About this time I ask him; "Who are you?"
His response?

"It Doesn't Make Any Difference Who I Am....Your Surveying Days, In Shannon County, Are OVERRRRR!!!!!!!" (The last word was said in a high-pitched scream)

Wow!  What do you do?  I did the sensible thing and beat a hasty retreat!

I rolled up my window, dropped'er down in Drive and started off up the field.  Would you believe it?!  This Loser ran down off the street, started chasing my truck and hit the side of the bed with his FIST!....and put a dent in the side of my truck!!  I was some kind of shook up so I pulled up on the street and called 911.  I could see he was getting in his truck so to avoid him trying to ram me or further harass me, I left the area.

I went to the Winona PD and filed a report and the Chief said he wanted to be with me when I went back to get my GPS base.  When we went to where the base was set up at the end of the street, it was knocked over and you could see tire tracks where "Hulkie Boy" had rammed it with his truck.  The Chief interviewed the people across the street that had stood and watched the whole thing.  "They hadn't seen anything".....Nobody in the neighborhood recognized the truck...It was a mystery person.  Yeah Right!!!

A few weeks later, I found out it was a relative of my client!  He is a meth head and nobody wanted to rat on him.  I decided to just let it go.  Yes, I have a dent in my truck, the GPS is OK but I am more prepared

now................hehehe(diabolical laugh)!


  1. Glad to have you back posting again. I thought some one Had rubbed you out. Be careful out there.


    1. Can't rub me out!! I'm a permanent marker!!

      Yes, I was so busy this summer that I couldn't seem to find time to post. Things aren't slowing down but I'm prioritizing and my blog shook out closer to the top.

      Thanks for reading!


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