Monday, July 6, 2015


Sometimes, you should just listen to your wife.

Not too long after Tami and I were married, we came home from church one evening and I began searching the refrigerator for a snack.  I finally scrounged up a hard-boiled egg (HBE) and thought I had hit the jackpot.  However, the HBE was cold and I figured it would be much better warmed up.  This is just the thing that microwave ovens were made for...right?

As I put it on a saucer and started to pop it in the microblaster, Tami stated, with a superior air, "Ray, you're not supposed to put eggs in the microwave."  I replied (with a superior air) "That is only raw eggs, in the shell."  I proceeded to explain about the yolk being inside the airtight shell and steam pressure building up inside the shell and the explosion that would ensue if you zapped a raw egg.  "This cannot happen to an HBE because there is no shell and no liquid" (also said with a superior and knowledgeable air.)

I popped the HBE in the micro, blasted it for a minute or so, popped it out and set the saucer with the HBE on the table.  Tami was already sitting at the table eating her cheerios and I sat down to chow down on my HBE.  It was just sitting there on the plate...but there was a faint noise...a gentle sssssssssssssssssss... Now that doesn't sound too ominous does it?  So...using my second digit (right index finger), I poked down on the HBE.

Have you ever been so totally shocked you couldn't move or scream or....????  With a KA-WHOOM!!! the HBE totally disintegrated on my plate!  My finger was still in mid-air over the now-nonexistent HBE.  There was HBE on the walls, on the ceiling, on the stove, on the refrigerator, in Tami's hair, it burnt little spots on her face and Yes...there was egg on my face!

And then...silence...We just sat there looking at each other for a few seconds and then both of us just burst out laughing!  We cleaned up the mess, I got me some cheerio's and sat down to eat again, with a new appreciation for my new wife and her "superior" culinary knowledge!


  1. Hilarious!

    Glad you found your password!


    1. Hey Brother Davy! I have just been in a funk lately so it might as well been a lost password. With work, and playing with Lucas, closing our school, and playing with Lucas, church activities, and playing with Lucas... my schedule has been pretty full! I'll try to be more faithful to my blog.

      God Bless!


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