Thursday, July 30, 2015

Grandma Riggs' Car

A 1995 Mercury Sable, white, blue interior, high mileage...No, this is not a classified ad...just a little story about a great little car.

I remember when Mom bought this car.  I don't know the year but it was from an individual on Minnesota Street, just north of 1st Street.  Not that it matters but if that person had just of known how much wear we would get out of it...

Mom drove the car until she passed away and we had to decide what to do with it.  The funeral was about two weeks before Tabitha was leaving for college at Ozark Bible Institute in Neosho.  She was driving a hand-me-down from Mom and older model, white Ford Taurus with a hare-lipped left rear fender.  Our families sat down and talked it over and decided...that since Ryan Riggs had just started driving, he would get the Taurus and Tabitha would take Grandma Riggs' Car.

Tabitha drove it back and forth to college for three years and it never missed a lick! It even went through a couple of ice storms!  After Tabitha married, it stayed in Neosho for awhile, was parked at our house for awhile and even made a couple of trips to northern Indiana!  When Tab and Anson moved to West Plains, they drove it for awhile and when it was no longer needed, it just sat lonely and forlorn.  A few days ago, a fellow from the El Charro restaurant, stopped to talk to Anson about buying the car.  Anson washed the little car up, put in a new battery (free replacement!), named the man a price and it was SOLD!  Tabitha said she had a few tears in her eyes when he drove the car away!

One story about the car...

Tabitha soloed home, about a month or so after she started college.  We had a family reunion and then we were going to Branson, Missouri for a day.  We left her car at Ozark, Missouri and after we were done at Branson, we were going to pick up the car, lead her through Springfield to I-44, and then...Bon Voyage!  We cut it a little too close...It was 7:45...dark...a little over an hours drive to Neosho...and Tabitha had to be to the dorm by 9 P.M.!  We took off from Ozark, flew down the James River Expressway and finally made it to I-44.  I was talking to Tabitha on the cell phone and told her "We'll get you onto 44 and then we will exit off at Bois D'Arc and you just keep going."  The plan worked to perfection...we exited off, she passed by us honking and when we got to the stop sign at the overpass, we watched her tail lights disappear into the dark....

OK folks...I'm not ashamed to admit it...we sat there and just bawled for a couple of minutes!  After we got our composure, we pulled on across the overpass and headed east toward home.  But we didn't make it very far!  We pulled over at the McDonald's at Kansas Expressway (about ten miles east) and waited for her call to tell us she had made it.  When she pulled into the dorm parking lot, she had about two minutes to spare!

Not to be philosophical, but it seems there was more to this adventure than what we realized.  It was like those tail lights, disappearing into the darkness, was when we truly gave our daughter over to God's will and into His protection.  We have had hard partings since and I know there are some in the future.  However, I have said many times..."When you dedicate them to the Lord, you can't just holler "calf-rope" when God decides to use them beyond your zone of comfort......."


  1. Bro. Ray,

    The pic & story about your mom's car immediately brought to mind one thing- CCA fundraisers. Let me explain. As far as I know, Crossroads Christian Academy never offered classes or credits in marketing, public relations, or anything like that. Nonetheless, with each new fundraiser idea we, the students, gained unforgettable experiences. And yes I do mean - unforgettable. I remember standing in the freezing cold wind holding Krispy Kreme posters at early in the morning on Porter Waggoner, getting tickled and then embarrassed while trying in vain to explain to an elderly downtown merchant (who was very hard-of-hearing and had interesting facial expressions) what a "booster ad" was for the yearbook. I had no more left that business when some other person on the sidewalk started loudly praising the Lord (I found out later her name was Margaret). I was even nearly hit by a truck at Country Mart while trying to help some lady who not only wanted us to bag her groceries but load her car. But I digress...

    Back to the car... During my time at CCA we had two car wash fundraisers - one at Auto Zone, and one back by the Lube dept. at Walmart. This was a lot of fun, and as far as I know was very successful. One thing that I remember was that your mom ALWAYS came to let us wash her car. I don't remember her car even being dirty. I'm sure by that time she probably didn't feel that well. She certainly didn't have to come. There were a lot of other younger people who didn't come. Many had much dirtier vehicles, but their donations weren't always that generous. The point is that she gave, she cared, and was willing to let a bunch of teenagers with water hoses have some fun washing her car. It made an impression on me. Nearly every time I get my oil changed at Walmart I think of the CCA car wash, Sis. Helen...... and her little white car.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. have made my day with your comment.

      I often think of the times you students had to work to basically keep the school open. That sacrifice will not be forgotten.

      Mom invested in children and young adults. She encouraged, paid out and baked thousands of cookies and I believe is now enjoying the reward of her labors. I strive to follow in her steps...

      Again, thanks for commenting!


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