Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day Tami!

So... I really planned ahead this Valentines Day. A week or so ago, I bought Tami a real nice card. (Fellers... A Tip: When you buy early, there is a real good selection. Unlike February 13th at 11PM in the crowded Wal-Mart card aisle... and Yes, I've been there!)

I was up pretty early this morning and after my devotions, I decided to retrieve my card. Tami had already surprised me with a card at my shaving mirror so I was just going to return the favor and surprise her. She was still in bed, but knowing how light a sleeper she is, I very carefully unlocked the deadbolt and knob on the front door. I eased the door open without so much as a squeak and then just left it open to save the noise of shutting and opening again.

I padded across the yard to carport, opened the driver's side door and reached under the seat to get the Wal-Mart bag with the card inside. Hmmm... no bag. I opened the driver's side back door and checked to see if it had slid back... no sack, no card.

I had to carefully and quietly "slam" the doors to shut them and then went back inside to think. "Had I really put it under the seat?" or "Did I put it under the passenger side seat?" Maybe I put it under my truck seat. Surely, Surely.... Tami didn't find it and hide it as a joke.... She wouldn't do that... Would she?

I repeated the drill. Unlock the door, carefully open it, leave it ajar, pad across the yard to the carport, open the doors and check under the driver side seat, under the passenger side seat, behind the back seats. NO CARD!

I go to my truck. I check under the seats. Lots of empty Ginger Ale bottles, water bottles, Butterfinger wrappers, Little Debbie cake wrappers... But no card.

So, I goes back inside, finish getting ready for work, and wake Tami up to kiss her goodbye. Then I ask this question: "Do you know anything about a Wal-Mart bag under the front seat of the car?"

I see a grin and then hear a chuckle... Ah ha!

ME: Where is it?
TAMI: Under the seat.
ME: No, it's not under the seat.
TAMI: Oh yes, it's there. I saw it the other day, didn't know what it was, so I looked in it. I saw what it was so I put it right back.
ME: It's not under the seat.
TAMI: (blank stare) Where did I put it?
ME: I'm sure I don't know!
TAMI: I put it right back under the seat.
ME: It's not there.
TAMI: Maybe it slid under the back floor mat.
ME: It's not there.
ME: Ummm... I don't know.... It's not there...

While she put on her thinking cap, I decided to make one more foray to the car to see if I had just over-looked it. Nothing Found! But just as I as climbing out from behind the back seat, I spotted something.... Shoved down between the driver's seat and the console... Beside the seat belt latch... A Wal-Mart Bag! With a card inside!

In a few minutes, Tami has her card (for the second time!!) She did not remember putting it where I found it but we share a laugh and all is well!

I love you Tami Ruth! Happy Valentine's Day!

And here's a little song by Doc and Dawg just for you!

"All About You"

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