Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is There Something Wrong With This Picture?

The story you are about to read is true...the company names and LS numbers have been paint-shopped out to protect the guilty.

We were surveying a lot in a certain city in the western Ozarks when...we found this perplexing scenario.  What you see below is plastic ID caps on the top of 5/8" rebars that have been driven in the ground to mark a lot corner.  It is required under Missouri Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys that markers are identified with the Surveyors LS# that set the markers.

We found the marker on the bottom first and while we were digging around it...we uncovered the other one!  Now it wouldn't be AS bad if they were set by different've heard of the "pincushion effect"...but they weren't.  The same surveyor set both of them to mark the same lot corner!  I know that this could probably be blamed on a slack field crew or forgetfulness or any number of things but ultimately the PLS is the one large and in charge!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for photo shopping my name out of the picture. I told you that I didn't know a thing about surveying!



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