Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Weed-Eating My Garden

The stars, planets, astoriods and such have aligned this year to keep my garden(s) so wet that I haven't been able to plow or till them up.  Last fall I planted some winter wheat to till under for green manure but when it got just the right height to plow under...please refer to first sentence.  It has finally got dry enough to till but now the wheat is about three feet tall!  So I just broke out the ole weedeater and went to work cutting it down in layered fashion so the pieces would till under good.

Now I explained all this to Tami but she still is snickering and laughing at me for "Weedeating" my garden.  I have consoled myself with the old idiom, "A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do" so enjoy the pictures and video!


  1. Wow! You could have a year's supply of wheat bread!


    1. The wheat was already in the head stage but it had to come down to make way for a years supply of green beans, beets, potatoes, tomatoes etc.!


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