Saturday, June 22, 2013

Your Hometown???

Not "Caahoon"...Tightwad!?  I was working at Windsor Missouri the other day and just had to take a picture of this sign.

Now the other day, my friend, the Reverend Davy Boggs, gave the history of Wartburg, TN on his blog.  I will endeavor to do the same here with the help of Wikipedia and other sources.

It seems the moniker originated from a store keeper that cheated someone in a transaction involving a watermelon (some contend it was a rooster).  So the town was named after the old "Tightwad" that ran the General Store.  But don't think everyone in this little village is a cheapskate.  In a 1988 interview, Mayor Tom Skaggs stated "Tightwad townspeople are generous to a fault."  He made this statement while standing on the corner of Stingy and Miser streets in Tightwad....  The present day village has a bank, which is appropriately named "Tightwad Bank".  The bank building sits on the corner of Scrooge and Skinflint avenues. (I just made that up!)  So...all you Penny-Pinchers out there...hope you enjoyed the history of your hometown!!

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