Monday, June 24, 2013

Earls Cousins

Found this picture of the Earls First Cousins.  These are the Grandchildren of Jess and Effie Earls, known as Papa or Brother Jess and Mamma (Ma'am-ma).  There is one cousin missing that evidently was not born yet.  I'll try to get the names and pecking order right but feel free to question my analysis!

The children of Elmer & Alma (Earls) Riggs - Tallest man in the ball cap is Leamon Riggs (my Dad), to his right Lorene (Riggs) Hendrix and to his left Yvonne (Riggs) Trantham.  Little boy in shorts - Marion Riggs
Pecking Order: Lorene (oldest grandchild), Leamon, Yvonne & Marion

The children of (Jesse) Ray & Nell (Huddleston) Earls - Second tallest man in ball cap is Charles Ray (Son) Earls; to his right, Jesse (Pud) Earls; in front of Pud - Jerry Earls; in front of Jerry - Dillon Earls; Tall girl right in front - Shirley Earls (Von Allmen); Shirley is holding Edwin Earls by the hand
Pecking Order: Son, Pud, Jerry, Shirley, Dillon, Edwin (and not born yet - Brenda)

The children of Hugh Willard & Pauline (Earls) Willard-Capshaw - Middle row-girl on the far right (picture) Kathleen (Kat) (Willard) Dennison and to her right, Phyllisdean (Willard) Sharp
Pecking Order: Kat & Phyllisdean
(Hugh Willard passed away in 1976 and Pauline married a Capshaw but I do not know his first name)

By the way...On my Grandma Alma's obituary it listed another sister to Alma, Ray and Pauline.  When I find the obituary I will post it.

And by the way...I think this picture is taken at the Lost Pond School House where Ray and Nell lived.  The rock building corner in the picture is the corner of the school house.


  1. Love this photo, I don't remember seeing it before. Did Ray and Nell actually live in the school house?

  2. Yes they did Rhonda. Aunt Nell lived there until she passed away a few years ago. As a matter of fact Jerry and Shirley were living there when Jerry passed in 2008. Go past county line to JJ highway and it's the first house on the right on JJ.

  3. Interesting pic, Ray. I'm certain that I have never seen this photo before. Thanks for posting it!

  4. Interesting pic, Ray. I'm sure I have never seen that photograph before. Thanks for posting it!

    1. You're welcome Nathan! I figured a lot of our "Clan" would enjoy seeing it.


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