Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Don't you just love Thanksgiving!  A truly American celebration of God's wonderful blessings to us throughout the year!  The words of the song "Old Hundredth" or more commonly known as "Doxology" come to mind...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

As this day comes around, I can't help but reminisce about past Thanksgivings.  We usually went to Grandma and Grandpa Fox's house.  Somehow though, we made it to Momo and Popo Riggs' house also.  With all the scheduling we have to do with our families now, I just wonder how Mom and Dad did it.  There were not a lot of cousins my age at the Fox's farm but there were plenty of places to play and if we wanted to, we could watch the football games with Dad, Grandpa and the Uncles.  There were "dozens of cousins" at the Riggs' to play with so it worked out pretty good.  I sure miss those times but I hope my nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews and (soon to be) grandchild(ren) will remember Thanksgivings with Uncle Ray.

I have scanned some pictures today so I will just let them speak for themselves.....

I don't know the exact year on this(can't read the calendar) but it may have been the Thanksgiving after Grandpa Fox passed away in May 1970.  From the left, Aunt Mary, Grandma (Parzettie) Fox, Me!!, Ralph, Mom (Helen), Dad (Leamon).  I haven't said a lot about my Aunt Mary but she was a wonderful person.  Her mind was affected by a high fever when she was a child but she had plenty of personality!  I loved my Aunt Mary...

I think this was actually Christmas of the same year (1970).  Why do I think this?  Well now...EVERYBODY knows you have turkey on Thanksgiving and ham at Christmas!  We also added Aunt Ella Williams (Mom's sister) and Uncle "Curly" Burl Williams to the table.

I really miss Mom and Dad on days like today...
I think this was Mother's Day, early 80's but I found it when I was scanning pictures.


  1. I love your posts like this, friend.


    1. Thanks Brother Davy. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving but I'm glad to be back at work today. Got Christmas songs going on Pandora, it's freezing rain outside, got my cuppacoffee so I'm ready to tackle the day!



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