Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ralph Foster Museum

We decided to add a little culture to our vacation.  This morning we went to the "Ralph Foster Museum" on the campus of the College of the Ozarks at Point Lookout near Branson.  The "Ralph Foster Museum" is called the "Smithsonian of the Ozarks" and I was really impressed by the amount of displays and artifacts that were in the museum.  There are three floors of displays and collections so it would take a good week to really "look" at everything.  Because almost everything is under glass it was impossible to get good pictures so you will just have to go see it for yourself!

I knew I was adding culture and refinement to my life when the first display I took in was this.....

 Yepster...It was the original "Beverly Hillbillies" 1922/1923 Buick flat-bed truck.  Tami and I were so in awe, we had our picture made a-sittin' in the ole fliver! (stay tuned for pic)

There was also another neat car in the museum...

Our trip was also very educational.  You don't learn this kind of information in High school or College....
For all you gun buffs out whole floor of GUNS!...every shape and description.  Even an original Gatling Gun!
Pedro the Polar Bear paused in his perusal for polar perch to pose

However...when we saw these bad boys we skedaddled outta there!!

If you ever get the chance, visit this museum.  It will be well worth the fee to go.

1 comment:

  1. I went to college there, visited it many times. You also need to boost the flower nursery and working mill, or the dairy farm with windows to watch from. They also put on some great plays and operas there.
    Jared Coopee


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