Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mississippi Mayhem.....

Since I posted a picture on my Facebook page, thousands of my Facebook friends are eagerly anticipating this blog post. The major news network may even pick this story never can tell....

I am a duly licensed Mississippi Land Surveyor and “due” to that fact, I found myself in the Mississippi delta, on the south side of the metropolis of Marks, in the company of Ralph Riggs and Bob Shotts. We were surveying a “problematic” tract in a USFWS refuge area. We were going to “tie in” the center of a road for analyzation purposes when MAYHEM broke out!!

I pulled my truck (trailer with four-wheeler attached) to the side of the road...and the edge of the road caved off! Truck and trailer laid over in a 3'-4' ditch full of mud!!


(Ralph and Bob were following in Ralph's truck with trailer attached and so were spared being directly involved in this catastrophe)

Since the drivers side door was up in the air, I had to have help holding the door open so I could crawl out. We “surveyed” the situation and decided that Ralph could just pull me out front-ways. We hooked up and tried it but my truck only slid deeper in the ditch! This time I couldn't get out and was observing the beautiful clouds from the drivers side seat.

It was decided that we could probably pull out backwards...however...this involved getting the trailer off my truck. They un-hooked and pulled the trailer back, pulled the tongue out onto the road, hooked up and pulled it out of the way. Ralph hooked on to my back bumper, “poured the coals” to his Ford 7.3 Power-Stroke diesel and she came right out!!

There was a problem however...when we pulled it out backwards, the tail-pipe caught and wrapped around the axle! So... we hooked on to it (the tail-pipe) with said Power-Stroke diesel and bent it back straight as a Bob and I got the hack-saw and proceeded to “hack” the tail-pipe of right behind the muffler. We loaded up, hooked up the trailers and finished out the day.

I wish I could say that this was the end of the story....

Last night I drove home through Jonesboro AR and was gonna eat at Cracker Barrel. I pulled into the parking lot and completely forgot about the trailer being attached...Yep..I was gonna back into a parking spot and jack-knifed the trailer into the side of my truck!

The only bright spot is, that I was not trying to back in-between two cars and so was spared demolishing someone else's vehicle. I parked away from civilization, changed out of my sweaty shirt, put on some deodorant, used the Cracker Barrel facilities, got back in my truck and went to IHOP and ate!! (I may never eat at a Cracker Barrel again...) I pulled home, got out, kissed the ground, kissed my wife, took a shower and went to BED!!!


  1. "took my feet out the miry clay, placed them on a rock to stay. done so much you make me say..."

    ... Well, at least you weren't bored!!!

    1. I had about as much excitement that day as I could stand...I would have welcomed boredom!!


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