Tuesday, January 14, 2014

27 Easy Steps To.....Nowhere

There are some sights I see as I travel the highways and byways (mostly byways) of the Ozarks that I surely don't understand.  It's kinda like going to Wal-Mart at certain times of the month....only at fifty-five miles an hour (BTW...I usually leave Wal-Mart vowing to buy Pajamagram stock!).  OK!  Got that out of my system!...

On 14 Highway, east of Ava about nine miles, and just west of the new bridge over Whites Creek, there are some steps.....  They are on the side of a steep bank on the north side of the road, are constructed out of rock and concrete and lead to.....nowhere.  If someone has seen these and know their story, please comment.  Hope you enjoy the photographs below!


  1. My guess Ray, Is that there was a house or an old Indian temple up there. I wondered that myself when I worked for Ozark Action.

  2. My Great Great Grandparents Clem and and Ethel lived in a little home right up from those steps. It was a quaint little white frame house, Clem built those steps leading down to the road so Ethel could meet the mailman when he arrived. One day Ethel ran off with the mailman and Grandpa Clem was so upset he burned the house down. Good thing he had insurance, he moved to West Plains and opened a barber shop for the SHEAR joy of it. The END.

    1. Wow! Glad somebody knew the history behind these steps. Poor ole Grandpa Clem...This sad story gives a whole new meaning to the old saying "He's really carrying the mail"! I just hope Grandpa CUT Ethel out of his will...


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