Saturday, May 14, 2011

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow house in Cambridge MA

We made it to Cambridge via the T and after we looked around Harvard Square we went up Brattle street to the HW Longfellow house.  This is where he lived most of his life and it was also the headquarters at one time for George Washington.  The house was closed for renovations but we walked around the yard and garden.  He is my second favorite poet so it was a good day for me.  The view above is of the veranda on the south side of the house.
 View of the front facing Brattle street
 View of the garden
 Wish we could have went inside...


  1. Did you look for any corners??? :-) or are you trying to forget about surveying for a while?

  2. I aspired to be a poet like Wadsworth
    But my mouth was always full of bratwurst.
    I cried every night in my bed pillow
    Yet each morning I still wasn't Longfellow.

    I offer this prose as proof. Lol


  3. Brother Davy...

    After reading the lines of your wit.
    I was truly impressed, I'll admit.
    So keep writing the lines
    And verses and rhymes,
    Cause that's what made Henry a hit!

    Inspired at 12:18 AM EST Portland ME
    actually had to get out of bed and write it!!


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