Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wasses Hot Dogs! Rockland, ME

I had the everything dog and Tami had the western dog...mmmmm good!!!  We were STARVING when we got off the boat from Monhegan Island, so, we went downtown Rockland ME and had hotdogs at Wasses!  They fry'em in peanut oil and saute the onions that go on the everything dog, along with mustard and relish (mine sans relish...).  Tami's dog had baked beans, ketchup, sauted onions and bacon....Woot!  Look this place up on the net, it is incredible!!


  1. I sure am enjoying your vacation! Especially the food and the history! Can't wait to see where I am going next.

  2. Glad to have you along! We haven't had time to get everything on but I will be working on it. Going to Mount Washington NH today...Having church on the mountain!! Small crowd today!

    God Bless!


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